W. A. Dudek and V. A. Shcherbacov
In memoriam: Galina B. Belyavskaya (1940-2015), pp. 1-4
A. B. Evans
Applications of complete mappings and orthomorphisms of finite groups, pp. 5-30
S. M. Gagola III
Describing cyclic extensions of Bol loops, pp. 31-39
S. Markovski
Design of crypto primitives based on quasigroups, pp. 41-90
D. Stanovsky
A guide to self-distributive quasigroups, or latin quandles, pp. 91-128
P. Vojtĕchovský
Three lectures on automorphic loops, pp. 129-163
vol.23 (2015) No. 2
N. Akbari and A. R. Ashrafi
Note on the power graph of finite simple groups, pp. 165-173
M. Ashiq and T. Imran
The Coxeter group G
5,5,12, pp. 175-180
A. Basar and M. Y. Abbasi
On generalized bi-Gamma-ideals in Gamma-semigroups, pp. 181-186
G. Binczak and J. Kaleta
Finite 2-generated entropic quasigroups with a quasi-identity, pp. 187-203
A. Bulut
K-loops from classical subgroups of GL(H), H being a separable Hilbert space, pp. 205-210
L. Bussaban and T. Changphas
A note on (m,n)-ideals in regular duo ordered semigroups, pp. 211-216
I. I. Deriyenko
Autotopisms of some quasigroups, pp.217-220
W. A. Dudek
Parastrophes of quasigroups, pp.221-230
R. S. Gigon
Eventually regular perfect semigroups, pp.231-236
P. Jedlicka
Semidirect extensions of the Klein group leading to automorphic loops of exponent 2, pp.237-242
Y. B. Jun, S. Z. Song and G. Muhiuddin
Subquasigroups in the framework of fuzzy points, pp.243-256
A. Karimi Feizabadi and H. Rasouli
Actions over monoids and hypergroups, pp.257-262
N. Kehayopulu and M. Tsingelis
On intra-regular and some left regular Gamma-semigroups, pp.263-270
A. B. Levina
A new block ciphers based on wavelet decomposition of splines, pp.271-282
M. Mahmoudi and H. Moghbeli-Damaneh
The categories of actions of a dcpo-monoid on directed complete posets, 283-295
B. Pibaljommee, K. Wannatong and B. Davvaz
An investigation on fuzzy hyperideals of ordered semihypergroups, pp.297-308
N. A. Shchuchkin
Free semiabelian n-ary groups, pp.309-317
B. Thongkam and T. Changphas
On two-sided bases of ternary semigroups, pp.319-324
B. Zekovich
Relations between n-ary and binary comodules, pp.325-332