-groupoids, pp. 1-8
(3), pp. 9-16
Rigid and super rigid quasigroups, pp. 17-28
N-quasigroups, pp. 29-38
Uniform topology and spectral topology on hyper
MV-algebras, pp. 39-54
New identities in universal Osborn loops, pp. 55-76
LGS-quasigroups, pp. 77-90
Generating huge quasigroups from small non-linear
bijections via extended Feistel function, pp. 91-106
M. Akram and W. A. Dudek New fuzzy subquasigroups, pp. 107-118
M. Akram and K. P. Shum Vague Lie subalgebras over a vague field, pp. 119-134
V. Bakeva and N. Ilievska A probabilistic model of error-detecting codes based on
quasigroups, pp. 135-148
S. Bashir and M. Shabir Pure ideals in ternary semigroups, pp. 149-160
G. B. Belyavskaya Secret-sharing schemes and orthogonal systems of k-ary
operations, pp. 161-176
I. I. Deriyenko and A. I. Deriyenko Prolongations of quasigroups by middle translation, pp. 177-190
V. Dimitrova, S. Markovski and A. Mileva Periodic quasigroup string transformations, pp. 191-204
W. A. Dudek and N. A. Shchuchkin Skew endomorphisms on some n-ary groups, pp. 205-228
E. M. A. El-Zayat and M. H. Armanious Construction for
subdirectly irreducible sloops of cardinality n2
m, pp. 229-236
A. Khan, Y. B. Jun and M. Shabir N-fuzzy quasi-ideals in ordered semigroups, pp. 237-252
A. Krapez Generalized quadratic quasigroup equations with tree variables, pp. 253-270
N. A. Moldovyan and P. A. Moldovyanu New primitives for digital signature algorithms, pp. 271-282
P. V. Protic Congruences on an inverse AG
via the natural partial order, pp. 283-290