All papers must be submitted by our web site or by email to the editor-in-chief, or one of the managing editors.
The submitted papers must not be previously published nor be under consideration in another journal. By submitting a paper, the authors agree that the copyright for the paper is automatically transferred to the publisher if and when the paper is accepted for publication.
All papers will be refereed by two persons according to the procedure single-blind peer-review
See. If necessary, the authors will be asked to revise the paper according to the referee's suggestions. The Editorial Board reserves the right to make reasonable modifications to the wording.
Final versions of accepted papers must be prepared according to the following instructions:

Papers should be written in English.

Papers must be typed in AMS-Tex or LATeX, using the
article template form.tex (see the processed template
form.pdf )

Papers should be written in an elegant and clear style. We ask that authors who are not proficient in the language used in the paper
have their work proofread by language experts before submitting the paper.

Papers should be accompanied by:
- an abstract not exceeding 600 characters,
- keywords,
- 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification,
- abbreviated title not exceeding 40 characters for the running head,
- the addresses of all authors (at the end of the article).

The words
"Theorem", "Lemma", "Corollary", "Example", "Remark", etc. are normally in boldface followed
by the formulation in
italic, the end of which should be clearly indicated. The word
"Definition" should also be in boldface and the text
of the definition
should be in roman except for the concept defined, which should be in italic. See
Footnotes, other than those referring to the title of the paper, should be avoided. If absolutely necessary,
they should be numbered
consecutively and placed at the foot of the page on which they occur (not at the end of the article).
Citations in the text should be denoted by numbers in square brackets, e.g. [3] or Osborn [3].
The list of references at the end of the paper should always be in alphabetical order, numbered
consecutively and include the
names and initials of all authors or editors, year of publication, and name and location of the publisher.
Names of journals and book series should be abbreviated in accordance with Zentralblatt fur Mathematik and Mathematical Reviews. Whenever possible,
please replace all references to papers accepted for publication or preprints by the exact name of the journal, as well as the volume, pagination and year,
if the article has already been published or accepted for publication. Citations of abstracts of talks will not be accepted.
There is no publication fee but you can pay for quick publication. The fee is 10 Euro for one page of text.